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Created Friday 24 January 2014

Note: You need to set up ClrIntegration first.

A CLR stored procedure or SP is a stored procedure written in a .NET language (like C#). SPs access the SQL server but do not have to run on the SQL server.

SPs vs T-SQL Stored Procedures

Short answer:

Slightly longer, incomplete answer for SQL 2008:

CLR stored procedures are for two main things:

  1. interaction with the OS, such as reading from a file or dropping a message in MSMQ.
  2. performing complex calculations, especially when you already have the code written in a .NET language to do the calculation. CLRs are specially good at working with regular expressions.

SPs vs Application Code



NETFramework:MsSql NETFramework:MsSql:ExtendedStoredProcedures NETFramework:MsSql:ClrIntegration
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