import assert from '../internal/assert'
import {state} from '../channels/StateWithSideEffects'
import reduxChannelName from './reduxChannelName'
function _createReduxReducerStateObservable(channel, Reducers) {
const reducerKeys = Object.keys(Reducers)
return AppDispatcher =>
.filter(x => x && === channel)
(state, action) => {
const newFullState = {}
for(let i=0; i<reducerKeys.length; i++) {
const reducerKey = reducerKeys[i]
const reducer = Reducers[reducerKey]
const newState = reducer(state[reducerKey], action.payload)
newFullState[reducerKey] = newState
note how this returns a normal JS object. That means “state” in this stream is just a normal JS object.
return newFullState
the assumption is that if you invoke the reducer with no params, you will get back the initial state.
(initialState, reducerKey) => Object.assign(
{[reducerKey]: Reducers[reducerKey](undefined, {})}
* Creates a special channel for redux reducers. The main differences between this and
* `createChannels` are:
* 1. `createChannels` assumes a single reducer per action type. `createReduxReducers`
* passes all actions to *every* reducer, as per the redux style.
* 2. `createChannels` maps each channel to a single top-level state property.
* `createReduxReducers` maps every reducer to a top-level state property. But
* internally, all messages flow through a single redux channel.
* ## Limitations
* Currently, `redux#combineReducers` is not supported.
* ## Message Dispatching
* To pass a message to a redux reducer from an rflux app, use this format:
* - channel:String = reduxChannelName (see ./reduxChannelName)
* - actionType:String
* - payload: {//actual redux action }
* @param {Map<string,Function>} Reducers
* @returns {Function} the redux reducers channel
export default function createReduxReducers({Reducers, AppDispatcher}) {
assert(Reducers, 'Need Reducers')
const combinedStateObservable =
_createReduxReducerStateObservable(reduxChannelName, Reducers)(AppDispatcher)
return Object.keys(Reducers)
.map(reducerKey => {
const reducerStateObservable = combinedStateObservable
.map(combinedState => combinedState[reducerKey])
check that objects point to the same thing eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
.skipDuplicates((prev, next) => prev == next)
return {
name: reducerKey,
stateWithSideEffectsObservable: => state(reducerState)),
observable: {
[reducerKey]: reducerStateObservable,
channel: {}